Posted by : Malthe Vinter 09.01.2025

Contract Lingo

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Contracts are packed with legal jargon that can be confusing if you're not familiar with the terms. Below is a brief explanation of some commonly used contract terms, which contract types they're typically used in, and their meanings.

Index of Terms


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Refers to the individuals or entities entering into the contract.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: The duration the contract is in effect, whether fixed or ongoing until terminated.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Outlines how and when the contract can be ended, either for cause or convenience.


Used in: Non-Disclosure Agreements, Consulting Agreements, Service Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: A provision ensuring one party keeps certain information secret.


Used in: Service Agreements, Lease Agreements, Consulting Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: One party agrees to compensate the other for losses, damages, or legal costs arising from the contract.

Force Majeure

Used in: Lease Agreements, Sales Contracts, Service Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: Covers unforeseen events (e.g., natural disasters) that prevent fulfilling contract obligations.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: The value exchanged in the contract, such as money, goods, services, or promises.


Used in: Sales Contracts, Service Agreements, Lease Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: Refers to the legal responsibility for damages, losses, or injuries caused by a breach or actions.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Failure to fulfill contractual obligations, either actively (breach) or passively (default), potentially leading to legal consequences.

Ab Initio (Ab Init)

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Latin for 'from the beginning,' indicating that something is invalid from the start.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Non-litigation methods such as mediation or arbitration used to resolve disputes.

Bona Fide

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: In good faith; genuine and sincere actions or statements.


Used in: Service Agreements, Consulting Agreements, Sales Contracts

Meaning: The specific products, services, or outcomes to be provided under the contract.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Used in: Service Agreements, Consulting Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: Measurable values used to assess whether contractual goals or milestones are met.

Cure Period

Used in: Sales Contracts, Service Agreements, Lease Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: A period allowed for a party to correct a breach before further action, including termination, is taken.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Jurisdiction refers to the location or legal authority to resolve disputes. Arbitration is a form of dispute resolution by a neutral third party instead of a court.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

Used in: Consulting Agreements, Service Agreements, Franchise Agreements, Investment Agreements

Meaning: Refers to ownership and rights to intellectual creations like patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

Entire Agreement Clause

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: A clause stating that the written contract represents the full understanding between the parties, overriding previous agreements or negotiations.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: When a party voluntarily gives up a right or privilege under the contract.


Used in: Service Agreements, Lease Agreements, Franchise Agreements, Investment Agreements

Meaning: The transfer of rights and obligations from one party to another, sometimes requiring consent.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Changes or additions to the original contract, requiring mutual consent to be valid.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: A clause allowing parts of the contract to remain valid even if one part is found to be unenforceable.

Scope of Work (SOW)

Used in: Service Agreements, Consulting Agreements

Meaning: A detailed description of work to be done, including deliverables, timelines, and responsibilities.


Used in: Sales Contracts, Service Agreements, Lease Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: Warranties are promises regarding quality or performance. Representations are statements made by one party about facts critical to the contract's formation.

Non-Compete Clause

Used in: Consulting Agreements, Employment Contracts, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: Restricts one party from engaging in business that competes with the other party after the contract ends.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: A promise or agreement made in the contract, usually requiring a party to act or refrain from acting in a specific way.


Used in: Purchase Orders, Investment Agreements, Sales Contracts

Meaning: A third party holds funds or property until certain conditions in the contract are met.

Liquidated Damages

Used in: Service Agreements, Sales Contracts, Lease Agreements

Meaning: Pre-determined amounts specified in the contract to be paid if there is a breach.

Notice Period

Used in: Employment Contracts, Service Agreements, Lease Agreements

Meaning: The time one party must provide notice before terminating or changing the contract.

Non-Solicitation Clause

Used in: Employment Contracts, Franchise Agreements, Consulting Agreements

Meaning: Prevents a party from soliciting the other party's employees or clients during or after the contract term.

Mitigation of Damages

Used in: Sales Contracts, Service Agreements, Lease Agreements

Meaning: The obligation of the non-breaching party to reduce or minimize the damages caused by the breach.

Time is of the Essence

Used in: Sales Contracts, Lease Agreements

Meaning: Stresses the importance of deadlines and implies that delays could result in breach or termination.

No Oral Modification Clause

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: Requires any changes to the contract to be made in writing and signed by both parties.

No Challenge Clause

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: A clause where one party agrees not to challenge the validity or enforceability of the contract.

Change of Control

Used in: M&A Agreements, Franchise Agreements

Meaning: A provision that outlines the consequences if one party’s control of the company or business is transferred.

Tangible Assets

Used in: Sales Contracts, Lease Agreements, M&A Agreements

Meaning: Physical assets that can be touched or measured, such as equipment or property.

Intangible Assets

Used in: M&A Agreements, Licensing Agreements

Meaning: Non-physical assets, such as intellectual property, trademarks, or goodwill.


Used in: M&A Agreements, Loan Agreements

Meaning: The process of winding up a company's affairs, usually involving the sale of assets to pay creditors.

Good Faith

Used in: All contract types

Meaning: The obligation to act honestly and fairly with respect to the contract.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: A copy of a contract signed separately by each party, making the contract effective once all counterparts are signed.


Used in: All contract types

Meaning: The act of signing a contract, making it legally binding.


By understanding these key contract terms, you can better navigate the complexities of legal agreements. While each term has a specific use case depending on the type of contract, many share similar principles. Being aware of these concepts helps ensure that you're prepared for any situation that might arise during the execution of a contract.